I am a performance and results-driven professional with a diverse background in Information Technology, Cyber Security, and Law. My education and professional background include a Master’s Degree in Cyber Security and hands-on experience with a prominent technology company in Rockville, MD.
After gaining several years of professional and business experience, I enrolled in law school to combine my IT training and skills with the knowledge of law. I received my Juris Doctor degree from University of Baltimore School of Law.
During my time at UB Law, I interned at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Baltimore, MD where I worked alongside a Trial Judge. In addition to my internship at the EEOC, I worked as a law clerk for JDKatz law firm in Bethesda, MD. As a law clerk, I participated in estate planning consultations, carried out estate planning document executions, and assisted with estate administration. I am admitted to practice in Maryland.
In my spare time, I enjoy mastering new recipes in my kitchen and spending time outdoors.